So today the Zimbabwe electricity supply authority is in a really bad mood.
Enjoying the light showers outside cookin sadza and tbone steaks on the fire.
Like most men, I think my opinion should be more valued than others, BLOGGING has helped me realise my dream of becoming a literary pundit on life. LOL... whatever! www.myspace.com/begottensun
So today the Zimbabwe electricity supply authority is in a really bad mood.
Enjoying the light showers outside cookin sadza and tbone steaks on the fire.
My kids are running around playing with their cousins. My lil nephew has just started playing Winky D "Controversie" on iTunes plugged in to some serious sub woofer speaker system.
It's been a busy week and upon reflection I'm busier now than I was in the UK. But seeing my children play I'm the sun and Counting my blessings I can honestly say I'd rather be nowhere else in the world.
As I typed that Winky D "Ndini ndamupidza muno" has started blasting
Hell, pass me another cold castle bro. Let me enjoy the view. My daughter just sat on the fountain. Thought I'd share it with y'all.
Spent the morning recovering from our agency celebration last night
for landing 3 Major corporate clients and work.
Met our operations director (white, hippy looking, South African boy
named James Brown. I shit u not!) for coffee at our all time favourite
cafe called Sapranos and ate a mean beef burger and chips to kill my
babarasi whilst doing some design or another client.
Worked half day today and now at home hanging out with my little
sister Fungai and her baby (my Beautiful Niece) Ruvarashe which means
God's' Flower. She's giving me mad jokes with the kitten.
It's a lovely 26*C. Defrosting some Bream caught on Mazvikadei Dam.
With a tall glass of Mazoe orange crush.
My Tete is cleaning some Zvikanganwahama (chicken giblets) for the
cooking and munchies later spiced with garlic an chilly.
I wish I could give this feeling!!! Wish u where all here